Understand Your Digital SLR .....1 Hour



Blurry Pictures?, Dark Shots?, can’t find the right mode?

Let us show you how to quickly & easily set your camera for a variety of situations and scenes. Get to know your camera and start enjoying photography today!

Join Andrew Elsdon for an introduction and step-by-step tour of your camera. With a hands-on introduction to your camera's operations, detailed instructions on how all the menus work, and easy tips on how to shoot great photos with your camera.

Experience: All Levels

1.0 hour, 4-6 people

Study Notes:

CLLiK Photography will provide with study notes for the session. These notes are merely a guideline for the course and as a continued reference in the future. 

What To Bring To Class:

  • Your point & shoot camera 
  • A fully charged battery for your camera 
  • A memory card 
  • Your questions




Take great shots today!!
Date Added 2012-05-01
Product Id 10055427